Monday, September 17, 2012

With nothing more than an idea

Are you in idle?
What is idle?

Idle speed - the rotational velocity required within an engine to run and operate smoothly, but not sufficient enough to perform work.  
Work needs a force capable of displacing an object.

Force needs stimuli applied to a body of mass that result in a consequential state of alteration.

What is your idle speed capable of?
Maybe enough to effortlessly power the basic functions behind producing some form of work?

What if your idle speed had the necessary velocity, power, force to generate more?
Would the perceived effort always increase with more work?

Do you fully understand the makings of your machine, your engine, or your drive? I acknowledge the fact that I do have a driving force that powers my motives and ability to seek action. But whether or not I fully understand or control this force is the question at hand. 
I do however know that I want to accomplish more. I have mountains to climb, oceans to cross, hurdles to leap and challenges to face that are going to require more than what I currently am capable of fabricating on my own.
If work is simply a transfer of energy between systems intermediated by a force, then where does one find more energy? And the origin of the aiding force?
With the principles surrounding the conservation of energy, the total energy for an isolated system is “conserved” or held constant over time. Where does new energy come from if it can be neither created nor destroyed? The same energy and forces that were used to perform the work required to walk on the moon, write the constitution, and sow the first seed are shared amongst us. If you want to do more, you need the help of others just as they need yours.
In terms of epistemology our ideas, like that of our energies, all come from some preexisting form. An idea from an idea, thought from thought, knowledge from knowledge, and a passion from a passion. If the pursuit of your personal legend or the writing of your story possesses a need for innovation, perseverance, or the strength to overcome weaknesses, the energy is there. The transfer of energy is driven by the act of sharing.
My hand is not the only force acting as the mediator between the energy of my ideas and the road being paved. I strive to have my idle speed set on wild, and this is how I intend on writing my story. But in this pursuit I will need the energy of others’ ideas, passions, and actions…   

Friday, September 14, 2012

Down a road unfinished

How would you describe your life story?
What makes a story captivating, intriguing, addicting, enthralling, inspiring, moving, or boring?
Can we truly collate vastly different individuals’ personal stories in order of value?
Does the value of the story lay in the hands of the author or the reader?
How do you feel about your life story?
Are you satisfied as the author of your personal story?
Would you read your own work?
I often find myself between a rock and a hard place, with a quarry of tumbling rocks, “ideas”, clashing against the hard place where I stand, “actuality.” In an attempt to preserve their state these “ideas” are juggled above “actuality.” If my focus changes, even slightly, the “rocks” fall from their concentric suspended existence to meet the unforgiving “hard place” beneath my feet, shattering into undistinguishable fragments.
There is a struggle that all authors and artists face. How do you bring the painted picture in your mind onto the canvas? Can all parts of the imagined detail remain intact without distortion influenced by limitations? We all must have a general idea for how we want our story to read but does it transfer into actuality?
There are constraints that limit our ability to dive head first into our ideas, dreams, and the pursuit of our personal epics, but to what extent? Your ideas can retain their original form and still lay the foundation for your story in the same way that stones from a river in their natural state can be positioned to pave a road.
And here is my attempt to pave the road on my journey, scripting the pages of my life.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Care to take a walk?

            My name is Chris Collins and I have a problem. My problem, much to the dismay of responsibility, is that I enjoy the unknown. I am afflicted with an insatiable urge for adventure, uncertainty, and the resulting outcomes associated with the gamblings of pursuing our personal legends.
There is a certain romantic quality in the happenings of our lives that we simply cannot explain, a subconscious attraction to the fears and anxieties presented by challenging situations. These thought-provoking situations essential mold our personalities and write the pages of our personal stories. Whether or not your story becomes a legend is directly proportionate to the aforementioned gambling.
I am a man on a mission…idle wild. Let no day fall victim to the passing of time, get off the couch and go live! I promise the couch will be there when you get back and that honestly, who will want to hear you tell tales of the movie marathons you witnessed couchside or about the times you judged other people living their lives because it was simply more comfortable than living your own. My story is in the works, with hopes of many pages, chapters, characters, plot twists, and encounters to come.
This website has no other purpose than to keep record of my personal experiences and the stories of others. If the context provides a form of inspiration or outlet for motivation to pursue your own personal legend, good. You never know where or when you will come across an idea, phrase, song, book, quote, or action that will change the course of your life but when you do, be sure to share it.